Hazelnut oil is obtained by pressing kernels (nuts) collected from the hazel bush (Corylus avellana L.) (cold-pressed hazelnut oil). Usually, oil obtained in this way is then refined (refined hazelnut oil). The hazel bush can be found all across Europe and as far east as Asia Minor. It has been cultivated since the earliest times for its oil-seeds (nuts), which are used as a food. The principal areas with a northern climate in which the hazel bush is cultivated today are Italy, Spain and Turkey. Hazelnut oil is a clear, yellow to yellow-brown oil that is rich in oleic acid and has an extremely nutty smell and taste. It is obtained by pressing pulverised hazelnuts with an oil content of 58-68% (cold-pressed hazelnut oil). Usually, it is then refined (refined hazelnut oil). The bulk of hazelnut production is either consumed in crude form or used in ground form as a baking ingredient or a chocolate additive in confectioneries such as nougat and cracknel or in ice-cream. In contrast, hazelnut oil production is less prominent. As with all nut oils, kernels that are broken or are otherwise unfit to be sold as edible product are often utilised for oil production. Hazelnut oil has a highly unsaturated character and a short shelf-life as it becomes rancid quickly. In the food industry, it is used for baking, and in some rare instances cold-pressed product is used as an edible oil to enhance salads. In the cosmetics industry, it is used in ointments, creams and shampoos
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