If you experience discomfort, reduce the dosage or make a breakfor a week and start with a smaller dose again. Raymond Dextreit, thefamous French Naturopath, recommends3 days on/4 days off/ 4 days on/ 3 days off rule, which means you takethe clay for 3 days, make a 4-day break, then take it for 4 days, makea 3-day break, and so on. However, it is not necessary and depends onwhat suits you most.
French Green Clays can be taken mixed with water (don't let itget into contact with metal - it will upset clay's electromagneticbalance essential for healing). Start with 1/2 a teaspoonful mixed with200g (7oz) of water. A bit of lemon juice or cider vinegar will notonly improve the taste,but will be beneficial for clay assimilation. Start by taking it itonce a day - morning or evening, 1 hour before or after a meal.Increase the dosage gradually over a period of 4 weeks, first to 1/2tsp in the morning, 1/2 in the evening, then gradually increase it to 1teaspoonful. Many people take 1 table spoonful in the morning, and1tbsp in the evening.
French Green Illite clay is like a sponge, attracting water andtoxins not only to its negatively charged surface, but also inside thenumerous canals in its crystalline structure.
Green Illite clay is a superb detoxification product. Its detoxifying properties are explained by 2 main factors:
Unlike French Green Montmorillonite, French Green Illite is anon-swelling clay. It is sometimes called 'marine clay' due to thequarries being found in the ancient marine beds. This gives Illite avery rich mineral content. It has a better absorption ability than theMontmorillonite - 30% against Montmorillonite's 20%.Its sorptive properties give it a very powerful drying and detoxifyingeffect. With its very high sorption capacity, illite acts like a magnetfor toxins, so it is the greatest detoxifying remedy available innature.
Illite is is a highly absorbent clay (30% - it absorbs 30% of water),so is very drying, and has a relatively low remineralisation power(8%). It is used in cases where detoxification and decongestion isimportant. Illite contains less magnesium than Montmorillonite.
French Green Illite Clay - South of France. Absorbs impurities, slightly drying. Natural acne control. Anti-bacterial. Eczema.
aches pains: | natural sorbent |
wounds: | antibacterial |
Use: | Body |
Ingredient: | Herbal |
Gender: | Male |
Mask Form: | Compressed |
Material: | clay powder |
Form: | Mask |