French Green Clay Illite

If you experience discomfort, reduce the dosage or make a breakfor a week and start with a smaller dose again. Raymond Dextreit, thefamous French Naturopath, recommends3 days on/4 days off/ 4 days on/ 3 days off rule, which means you takethe clay for 3 days, make a 4-day break, then take it for 4 days, makea 3-day break, and so on. However, it is not necessary and depends onwhat suits you most.

French Green Clays can be taken mixed with water (don't let itget into contact with metal - it will upset clay's electromagneticbalance essential for healing). Start with 1/2 a teaspoonful mixed with200g (7oz) of water. A bit of lemon juice or cider vinegar will notonly improve the taste,but will be beneficial for clay assimilation. Start by taking it itonce a day - morning or evening, 1 hour before or after a meal.Increase the dosage gradually over a period of 4 weeks, first to 1/2tsp in the morning, 1/2 in the evening, then gradually increase it to 1teaspoonful. Many people take 1 table spoonful in the morning, and1tbsp in the evening.

  • Detoxification of the degestive system: clays help to free thedigestive tract of harmful toxins released by bacteria, parasites,fungi. It is the first remedy for food poisoning.
  • First natural remedy against food/toxic poisoning. Largeamounts of clay water are taken as soon as the first symptoms ofpoisoning are experienced - straight after the stomach flush.
  • Clays are very good at promoting regular bowel movement whenused properly. I have come across claims that clays can causeconstipation in some cases. I believe it is because not enough water isused to mix clay - I normally use 1 tbsp of clay per 1 pint of water.However, I started taking claywith just half a teaspoon mixed with about half a pint of water anddrunk quite slowly.
  • As has been said earlier, clays have powerful antibacterialproperties - they can eliminate a number of deadly bacteria from thesystem when taken inside or applied locally. Clays have been given asrations to Russian and German soldiers during both wars to help preventand treat diarrhoea and any other stomach upsets.
  • They work effectively against fungi, namely candida - themost abundant fungus in our bodies which can lead to a number ofillnesses if left untreated.
  • Clays increase the T-cell count promoting immunity.
  • Help remove heavy/radioactive metals out of the system. Veryuseful for smokers whose systems will contain excessive cadmium.Effective for other types of toxicity, including mercury.
  • Clays are used to neutralise free radicals. Clays have beenand are being used by the military and at sites of radioactiveexposure. The most well-known use of clays for this purpose has beenChernobyl, where clays were used to help reduce effects of radiation inthe personnel and the population.
  • Clays are great for liver detox.
  • They increase the body pH level, reducing acidity.
  • Being extremely rich in minerals, they remineralise the body in the best possible way.
  • Clays relieve symptoms of eczema and other allergies can be are a result of toxic overload.
  • It is a Godsend for oily, problem skin - with its purifying, drying action, it can relieve acne, spots, oily skin conditions.

French Green Illite clay is like a sponge, attracting water andtoxins not only to its negatively charged surface, but also inside thenumerous canals in its crystalline structure.

Green Illite clay is a superb detoxification product. Its detoxifying properties are explained by 2 main factors:

Unlike French Green Montmorillonite, French Green Illite is anon-swelling clay. It is sometimes called 'marine clay' due to thequarries being found in the ancient marine beds. This gives Illite avery rich mineral content. It has a better absorption ability than theMontmorillonite - 30% against Montmorillonite's 20%.Its sorptive properties give it a very powerful drying and detoxifyingeffect. With its very high sorption capacity, illite acts like a magnetfor toxins, so it is the greatest detoxifying remedy available innature.

Illite is is a highly absorbent clay (30% - it absorbs 30% of water),so is very drying, and has a relatively low remineralisation power(8%). It is used in cases where detoxification and decongestion isimportant. Illite contains less magnesium than Montmorillonite. 

French Green Illite Clay - South of France. Absorbs impurities, slightly drying. Natural acne control. Anti-bacterial. Eczema.

  • weeping eczema:internal cleanse
  • Acne spots:Oily skin
  • Light Green:odourless
  • Ingredient:100% clay powder
  • Form:Powder Mask
  • Brand Name:French Green Illite Clay
  • Place of Origin:France
  • antifungal:colon cleanse
  • detox:remineralise
  • Wrinkles:weeping ulcers
  • Superfine:South of France
  • Function:acne control, oily skin
  • Model Number:FGI
  • aches pains:natural sorbent
  • wounds:antibacterial
  • Use:Body
  • Ingredient:Herbal
  • Gender:Male
  • Mask Form:Compressed
  • Material:clay powder
  • Form:Mask
  • Country:United Kingdom
  • telephone:44-208-2052369
aches pains: natural sorbent
wounds: antibacterial
Use: Body
Ingredient: Herbal
Gender: Male
Mask Form: Compressed
Material: clay powder
Form: Mask
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