Non - healing ulcers like bed sores, diabetic ulcers, leprosy ulcers, burns, cuts, contusions, wounds.
For relief of pain and discomfort in ano - rectal conditions like anal fissures, inflamed and thromboied piles, proctitis.
Skin condition like infected and nodular acne, furunculosis, all types of folliculities, cellulitis, ecthyma, planter fissures, herpez, pemphigus and eczema.
Medicinal Properties
Extensive hospital trials and use by many private doctors have established the following properties of Mayaderm
Dissolve slough (possibly by enzymatic action). Surgical excision of the slough not required.
Stimulates formation of healthy granulation.
Promotes rapid epithelisation, skin grafting not required.
Eliminates foul smell.
Readily mixes with extrudates, does not stick to the ulcers.
Retains full activity in the presence of blood, pus and serum.
Is completely safe and innocuous.
Has no local or systemic side effects.
In most cases Mayaderm promotes formation of new skin; so that skin grafting operation is not required.
In some cases it prepares the ulcers for a successful operation with no rejection.
Patient can be managed at home. Duration of hospital stay is minimized.
Nurses' workload is reduced.
There is saving in extensive medicines.
Preventive Effects
Mayaderm regresses infected and indurated acne, and prevents ugly scarring of face; and minimizes appearance of new lesions.
Mayaderm prevents formation of bed sores in patients confined to bed.
Mayaderm prevents formation of keloids in post operative scars.
Mayaderm does not cause any side effects like allergic reaction, irritation of the skin, toxicity etc.