We are FDA Registered! Physician recommended & Doctor endorsed.
Some of the Medical Uses: Burns, Scars, Post operative scarring, After treatment skin peels, Resurfacing & Microdermabrations, Acne, Bed sores, Psoriasis, Rashes, Eczema, Post surgical incisions, Pressure and Diabetic skin ulcers, Hemorrhoids, Blisters, Wounds, Jellyfish, Stingray & Man-O-War stings. Insect bites.
Burn-BGone penetrates the the 3rd layer of skin. Sanitizes & seals wounds. Heals and revitalizes skin. Stops pain on contact. Reduces scarring and inflamation. Promotes rapid healing. No side effects. Eco-friendly, bio-degradable, will not wash off & 100% made in the USA.
Burnt, Bitten or itching? Ouch!!!! Stop the pain and itching with the ultimate skin care gel! Burn-BGone helps significantly reduce burning, hyper pigmentation, swelling, inflammation and itching for all skin types.
SunBurn, burns, scars, cuts and abrasions. Eco friendly & biodegradable