Herbal Face Packs

We are leading manufacturers and suppliers of Skin Care Products likeHerbal Skin Care Creams, Herbal Face Packs, Herbal Skin Moisturizer, etc.Our product range includes :Day Cream for Dry Skin with Rose Petal Extracts:An excellent day cream that protects the face from the normal wear andtear of makeup and everyday rituals.How to Use:Take appropriate amount of cream &apply all over face, neck. & hands using circular motion.Key Ingredients:Jojoba Oil, Rose PetalExtract, Olive Oil, Almond Oil & Vitamin E.Cold Cream with Almond oil & Olive oil &Honey:Enriched with sweet almond oil and other natural nutritiveoils, well known as Environmental Protection Cream, is speciallyformulated to protect dry or sensitive skin against the irritating anddehydrating effects of cold, wind and heat.How to use:Take appropriate amount, gentlymassage into face hands & legs.Key Ingredient:Olive Oil, Almond; Rose,Vit-E.Fairness cream with Milk Enzymes Saffron &Coconut:Fairness cream is created with a unique mix of specialAyurvedic herbs. It nourishes the skin and also protects the skin fromsuns darkening rays. It enhances the complexion & discolorations ofskin giving you unmatch glowing fairness.How to Use:Cleanse the face, Apply sparinglyall over face and neck, Leave on.Key Ingredients:Saffron, Turmeric Oil, MilkEnzymes, & Carrot Seed Oil.Anti-Marks Cream with Turmeric Oil & SandalWood Oil:No Marks Cream can be used for diminishing and reducingscars, marks caused by pimples and also dark circles under the eyes. Itcan also be used for preventing and diminishing stretch marks.How to Use:Take appropriate amount & useafter washing face with lukewarm water at bed time. Massage gently inupward direction.Key Ingredients:Turmeric Oil, Clove Oil,Chamomile Oil, Butchers Broom, Onion Oil, Lavender Oil, Rose Marry Oil,Almond Oil, Cocoa Butter, Wheat Germ Oil, Olive Oil, Neem Oil, SandalWood Oil, Rose Water, Neem Oil & Orange Oil.Wheat Germ Facial Massage Cream for Aged &Wrinkled Skin:This cream helps in restoring the youthful appearanceof your skin making it feel fresher and softer, with a healthier andmore radiant look. It also replenishes moisture and helps improve thetone and texture of your skin.How to Use:Massage into the skin aftercleansing, using upward & downward motion. Leave for 5-10 minutes.Remove with moist cotton.Key Ingredients:Badam, Babchi, AmlaQuince Seed Massage Cream for young &delicateskin:Massage Cream helps the skin in replacing dead surface cells.It increases circulation to all skin layers & it loosens impuritiestrapped in the pores.How to Use:Massage into the skin aftercleansing, using upward & downward motion. Leave for 5-10 minutes.Remove with moist cotton.Key Ingredients:Wheat Germ Oil, Almond Oil,Olive Oil, Aloe Vera, Carrot Seed Oil & Cedar Wood.Marine Pack with Sea Algae & Sea Minerals:Marine extracts & the gel-like algae extract (alginates) that makeup the base of this pack act as "penetration enhancers" thatallow minerals to readily permeate the skin's outer layer. In addition,these gelatinous extracts soften, hydrate and soothe the skin, giving ita wonderful silky-soft feel. It gently cleanse impurities and help bothoily and dry skin to find optimal balance, create natural glow andhealthy radiance for all types of skin, replenish the skin withmoisture.How to use:Wash your face & dry. Applyallover face except eyes. Leave it for 15-20 minutes, rinse off &use moisturizer.Key Ingredient:Camomile Oil, Lemon Grass Oil,Magnesium Chloride, Sodium Chloride, Magnesium Sulphate, Ylang YlangOil, Bentonite, Zinc Oxide, Rose WaterLemon & Orange Oil Mud Pack:Mud Pack isexcellent for pulling impurities & toxins from the skin the additionof Neem provide anti bacterial properties, Rose Oil is added to soothethe skin, Lemon & Orange Oils are both excellent astringents.How to Use:Take appropriate amount &apply on face neck avoiding eyes. Relax till dry. Rinse with fresh water& apply moisturizer. Ideal for all skin types.Key Ingredients:Lemon Oil, Orange Oil, NeemOil, Bentonite, Rose Water, Sandal Wood Oil.Anti Blemish Fruit pack with Fruit Based AHA:Fruit Pack firms and tightens the skin. It makes the skin glow. FruitPack cleans clogged pores and removes impurities. It restores thematerial elasticity of your skin, improves skin texture and helpsminimize wrinkles.How to Use:Take appropriate amount &apply on face neck avoiding eyes. Relax till dry. Rinse with fresh water& apply moisturizer. Ideal for all skin types.Key Ingredients:Grape Seed Oil, Grape FruitOil, Calmus Oil, Bentonite, Rose Water, and Juniper Berry Oil & AloeVera Gel.Peach & pista fairness pack:A skintreatment used by ancient Queens. The goodness of Almond, Pistachio,Saffron and Lentils nourishes the skin while making it fairer andsmoother.How to Use:Take appropriate amount &apply on face neck avoiding eyes. Relax till dry. Rinse with fresh water& apply moisturizer. Ideal for all skin types.Key Ingredients:Peach Extract, Pista Oil,Saffron Oil, Sandal Wood Powder.Anti acne clove pack:This pack has beendeveloped for oily, rashy, acne & sensitive conditions. Containsnatural extracts of clove oil and aswagandha to smoothen, purify andbeautify the skin. May be applied twice a day, all over face, or onaffected areas. Avoid the eye area. When it dries, wash offHow to Use:Apply on rash, acne or skinirritation. Keep for 20 minutes and then wash off with plain water. Canbe used any time of the day. Ingredients include Clove, Ashwagandha(Withania Somnifera).Key Ingredients:Clove Oil, Turmeric Oil, TeaTree Oil, Aloe VeraSkin Tightening & Rejuvenating Pack withPeppermint oil & Carrot seed Oil :A powerful anti-wrinklepreparation, reinforced with natural extracts of carrot seed oil, Mintoil, almond, balsam, sandalwood oil, tolu. Helps to porcelain the skinand has tremendous rejuvenating properties. This formula has been usedfor centuries by the Ayurvedic system of natural healing for tighteningthe pores and making the skin youthful. Specially suited to normal tooily skins.How to Use:Apply all over face, neck andhands, avoiding the eye area. When it dries, wash off May be used daily.Key Ingredients:Carrot Seed Oil, Mint Oil,Grape Seed Oil.Anti Wrinkle Pack with Almond Oil & BabhchiOil:Anti Wrinkle Pack prevent sun-induced premature aging with theultimate wrinkle defense. The combination of Natural Oils and Botanicalextracts that gradually restore the radiant appearance of your skin,minimizing signs of aging & dark spots. A powerful blend ofanti-oxidants provides further protection from wrinkle causing, suninduced free radicalsHow to use:Take appropriate amount &apply on face neck avoiding eyes. Relax till dry. Rinse with fresh water& apply moisturizer. Ideal for all skin types.Key Ingredient:Almond Oil, Babchi Oil, CodLever Oil, Soya bean Lecithin, Rose Marry Oil, Nagarmutha Oil, CarrotSeed Oil, Olive Oil, Wheat Germ Oil & Aloe Vera Gel.Orange peel off Mask with Orange Peel Extracts &Alpha Hydroxy Acids:This new peel-off mask with extracts of orange &Vitamin C Complex and Lipoic Acid cleanses and unplugs your pores andexfoliates skin with results that you can actually see! Peel-off andlift out deep pore clogging dirt and oil and gently lift blackheadsaway. In just 15 minutes, you can reveal a smoother, toned skin.How to Use:Apply all over face, neck andhands, avoiding the eye area. When it dries, wash off May be used daily.Key Ingredients:Orange, Wheat Germ Oil, lemongrass oilApricot & walnut skin polisher for Dead &Aged Skin:A powerful blend of natural scrub particles consisting ofWalnut and other extracts. It helps to cleanse the skin of deadepithelial cells, leaving it cleaner, brighter and vibrant. Helps totighten the skin and nourish it, making it clear, smooth and silky.How to Use:Gentl

We are leading manufacturers and suppliers of Skin Care Products likeHerbal Skin Care Creams, Herbal Face Packs, Herbal Skin Mo

  • Feature:Firming
  • Use:Eye
  • Main Ingredient:Aloe Vera
  • Ingredient:Herbal
  • Mask Form:Mud
  • Form:Mask
  • Country:India
  • telephone:91-91 11 42787700
Feature: Firming
Use: Eye
Main Ingredient: Aloe Vera
Ingredient: Herbal
Mask Form: Mud
Form: Mask
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