Rehydrant cleansing cream Medicated deep cleansing mint lotion Sandalwood cleansing milk Precious herbs moisturizer( moisturizer sea shell for skin elasticity) Ayurvedic face & body scrub Ayurvedic
anti ageing day/ night coverage Depigmentation lotion Tulsi herbal skin freshener Body massage oil Turmeric pre- wash cream After bath body lotion Herbal hair tonic Herbal hair oil/ cream Herbal
amla shampoo for normal to dry hair Ayurvedic sun block lotion Herbal range for kids Anti septic baby dusting powder Baby massage oil Ayurvedic muscle relaxant Anti stress bath oil Chywanprash
awleha as tones natural skin complexion Natural blood purifier A non alcoholic ayurvedic drink with rose and khus flavor Digestive preparations.,metabolism normalizing preparations Ayurvedic tooth
powder /tablet/ paste Natural preparations for preventing gynecological disorders
Immune Cosmetics