NEURALISING SYNTANShivatan-MR-6- Neutralising Syntan Based on Phenol and polymers and Buffering Salts having the capacity to replace strong Acids by weak Acid Groups with complexing properties.This
unique combinations results in all types of Leathers having good filling Grain smoothness and softness-Good Dyeability and the Right Neutralisation of Leathers.Excessive Neutralisation (Harmful) is
impossible when Shivatan-MR-6 is used. As this product does not precipitate in chrome Liquors, it does not lead to chrome stains - particularly on the looser part of the leatehr.Shivatan-MR-6
reduces the positive charge on the collagen-chromium complexes and thereby on the surface of the chrome leather. This property is used for producing uniform dyeings with An-ionic dyes and in
Fat-Liquoring for uniform uptake and good penetration. Drawn Grain and over - tannage of the outer Layers are also prevented.APPEARANCE :Brown Colour Liquid CHEMICAL CHARACTER :Complexed
Combination of Phenol and Polymers With in - organic complex Agent with Buffering Effect. PH OF 10% SOLUTION :6 - 7 STORAGE : Good stability DILUTABILITY : Dilutable in any proportion BROAD
APPLICATION : 2% - 4% Shivatan-MR-6 used for Neutralisation of Chrome Leathers.1% - 3% Shivatan-MR-6 used for basicification in Chrome Tannage.TESTING DEGREE OF NEUTRALISATION0.1% Bromo cresol
Green Solution is spotted. At pH 3 The Leather shows yellow Colour, At pH - 4 it develops to Light Green colour, Blue - Green at pH - 5 and Blue at pH 6.