Added on May 5, 2009, 1:36 amMiOR - Miracle Facial Bar (The Moor Facial Bar with IndinineLuxe)
When you have experienced MiOR, the unprecedented effect will be shown on
your face!
For people who have the skin condition as:
Big Pore size - Become smaller and close up eventually as continue with MiOR
Acne/Pimples Problem - Pimples dried up, Acne problem solved
Wrinkles - Skin become smooth, wrinkles disappeared
Loose/Saggy skin - Firm up
Freckles - Lighter
Oily Skin - No more oily skin
Dry Skin - It Moisturises
Eczema Problem - It helps on Eczema problem - please see testimonials
Skin becomes fairer
Glowing Skin
etc (Please see testimonials)
In Just 3 Minutes... To achieve the result in the above
All you have to do is to work the MiOR facial bar into lather, gently massage into the
skin, leave it on to permeate your skin for 3 minutes and then rinse off with water.
In Just 3 Minutes... To achieve the result in the above
All you have to do is to work the MiOR facial bar into lather, gently m