please send you contactnum so we can call you, we can discuss terms and conditions trufone..... for now i can give you the list of our existing products.. wealso offer toll
manufacturing services... if you have a product in mindwe can help you make one.....
product name composition
dealers price srp
Greenwhite 300 mg
gluta 390 PHP 590PhP
30 caps/bot 100 ala
(whitening/antioxidant) 100 vit c/moringa oleifera
Greenfit 125 mg
400 620
30 caps/bot 125 mg green tea extract
(slimming caps)
Gluta teens 100 mg
350 550
100 mg vit c
100 mg grapeseed
Psyllium Powder 3 gms psyllium powder
190 350
15 gm/sachet flavor/sweetener
14 sachet/box
weare now having our own brand of lutein(for the eyes like optein) andsylimarin(like the liveraide)... our greenfit is in high dosage ascompared to fitrum w/c is only 50 gms l-carnitine and
25 green tea orthe egcg
Locally produed/locally manufactured products, materials are imported from different countries...... minimum order of 30 bottles per product..... cash payment po......
free flyers and tarp per products.....
greenplus corporation
#1 est drive calamba crossing calamba city, philippines
049-545-70-85 or 09193340895
We are looking for food supplements Distributor,we also do toll manufacturing of different food supplements.