High purity refining technology: A technology to remove oxidants through improvement of chromaticity and concentrate effective ingredients enhancing efficacy through high
content composition.
Korean Medicine Fermentation Biotechnology: With fermentation technology harmonizing the cosmic dual forces, improves affinity and absorption to restore health of skin and keep
youth(anti-oxidizing, skin texture improvement)
Nano Delivery System:
Multiple liquid crystal capsule technology of Korea Cosmetics using phospolopids praised as the world best technology in 2005 International Federation of Societies of Cosmetic Chemist, delivers
the effective ingredients into skin effectively(infiltration function)
Frese Herb Care System: Various skin trouble care through freshness of live herbs(trouble care function)
the world best technology in 2005 International Federation of Societies of Cosmetic Chemist, delivers the effective ingredients
skin care product
skin care products
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