6. Promotes the structural strength of the skin.
5. Prevents skin infection of the applied area
4. Increases elasticity of the skin
3. Supplies nutrients needed for skin healthiness and reparability.
2. Increases absorption of nutrient needed for skinrepair
1. Promotes blood flow and circulation to the applied area
Benefits of Anti aging Cream
o Sweat andsebaceous glands are less active, and the number of melanocytes decreases.
o Blood flow to theskin reduces causing the skin to become thinner, and elasticity is lost.
Asthe body ages, skin is more easily damaged because the epidermis thins and theamount of collagen in the dermis decreases. Skin infections are more likely totake place and repairs of the skin are slower. A decrease in the number ofelastic fibers in the dermis and loss of fat from hyperdermis cause the skin tosag and wrinkle. A decrease in the sweat gland and a decrease in the blood supplyto the dermis results in a poor ability to regulate body temperature. The skinbecomes drier as sebaceous gland activity decreases. This results in;
Unique product developed through R&D using medicinal leech extract to enhance supply of of oxygen and nutrients to skin.
Feature: | Anti-Aging |
Form: | Cream, Lotion |
Use: | Face |