Lamenja is our new Anti-Ageing moisturiser with a new active ingredientSyn-ake. Syn-ake has been clinically proven to reduce wrinkles by 52% and wonthe SwissTechnogy Award 2006. Syn-ake is a
new anti-wrinkle activecompound based on a synthetic tripeptide that mimics the effect ofWaglerin1, a peptide that is found in the venom of the Temple Vipersnake.
Our aim is to sell direct towholeslers or resellers to enable them to make high profit margins. Due to our pricing structure high margins can be obtained in wholesaleand the retail
market. We are also able to offer own labellingproduction runs, and drop shipping for our Anti aging product.
Daily moisturiser with Syn-ake. Synake has a Swiss Technology Award 2006. Clinically proven to reduce wrinkles by 52%.