Liquid Cleanser 150 ml
A gentle yet effective cleanser for a swiftcleansing action. It is formulated with precious emperors mushroomextract. It cleanses your skin deep into the pores, leaving your skinclean and
Toner 150 ml
An effective toner formulated to minimize skinpores while leaving your skin soft and hydrate. Formulated with premiumquality emperors mushroom extract. Toner balances your skin pH andprepares your
skin for the following essential step- moisturize yourskin.
Moisturizing Micro Emulsion 50 ml
A renovated moisturizerdesigned to hydrate and nourish your skin. It is empowered by thelatest technology (***** nanotechnology), which helps to maximize theabsorption of ingredients of
Moisturizing Micro Emulsion. Designed withsmall-sized molecules, it penetrates into your skin faster andeffectively. Moisturizing Micro Emulsion gathers the goodness of theemperors mushroom
extract, ginseng extract, Vitamin E, leaving yourskin smooth and radiant all day long.
Liquid Cleanser 150 ml
Toner 150 ml
Moisturizing Micro Emulsion 50 ml