De Whitening Collagen - Be a White Beauty under Great Sun
Nowadays, people tend to experience early aging due to environmental pollution and mental stressfulness. Naturally, aging would cause melanin accumulation and reduced dermal capillaries. As a
consequence, pigmentation problems occur gradually.
"Powerful antioxidants, helps you maintain youthful skin"
Free radicals and ultraviolet cause skin aging and pigmentation problems. Oxidation produce free radicals which bring damage to cells and your skin would look dark and dull. Poly phenol and
Resveratrol are powerful natural antioxidant, it neutralize free radicals and helps to prevent skin aging and dullness. Complimentary use with adequate vitamin C, it could reduce melanin and fade
dark spots; it's the essential substances in skin whitening. Beside, vitamin C promotes synthesis of collagen, whihc effective in wrinkles reducing.
Great Moisture Locking Formula "Hyaluronic Acid" and "Ceramide"
Aging, ultra violet, chemical irritancies and environmental pullutants, damange the hyaluronic acid in dermis layer, directlly affected water holding ability in the skin. Hyaluronic acid is the
best moisturizer; whereas 1 gm hyaluronic acid can bind with 50cc water. Therefore, supplement with hyaluronic acid acan effectively lock the moisture and lenghten the moisture holding duriation.
In the mean time, when hyaluronic bind with water, it increases the elasticity of the collagen as well. Ceramide is a binding cell in epidermis, it lines the cell well. If inadequate ceramide
occur, it seems like bricks without cements, it couldn't form a strong protection wall. Well, it's not only fails to fight against invaders; moisture also will be depleted and resulting a rough and
dry skin. Therefore, your skin needs sufficient ceramide to maintain healthy and youthful.
"Bio-Active Collagen, Wrinkles no more"
After the age of 25 years old, fiber stem cell will decrease the production; while collagen lost greater than formation supply does not meet the demand. Gradually, skin aging symptoms begin to
exist, such as dryness, rough, lost elasticity, fine line become obvious etc. There is only one way to get back the elastic youthful skin - Collagen intake. Silk worm protein is an essential
substance in maintaining skin moisture. It is easily bind with water; a ntural regulator to lock moisture and penetrate into skin. It supplies nutrients for cuticles and epidermis, effective to
reduce obvious pores and pigmentation.
Recommend dosage:-
1-2 times daily, 1 sachet each time. Mix 1 sachet with 100-150cc warm/cool water and serve immediately.