Sun .Shield" .is a .unique .100 % .all-natural .sunscreen .formula. Instead .of .synthetic. chemical ingredients, it cont ains natural zinc oxide in a new patented transparent form called Z-cote.
Formulated in a natural base of tropical oils, botanical extracts, and anti-oxidant vitamins, the result is a completely natural, non-whitening formula that protects, moisturizes and soothes the
skin.Sun .Shield .is. formulated. using the. latest .scientific .research .findings .and .information on sun protection: UVB rays are mostly involved with sunburns, while the deeper penetrating UVA
rays are involved with premature aging, wrinkling and even skin cancers. Many chemical sunscreens protect only .from .UVB rays , while .allowing .penetration of damaging .UVA rays . Zinc .oxide is
the only ingredient that is FDA-recognized as having both UVB and UVA broad-spectrum protection, as well as having therapeutic benefits.ACTIVE . INGREDIENT : microfine zinc oxide , in a natural
base of botanical extracts of echinacea, gotu kola and gingko , oils of coconut , seaweed, safflower, almond, sesame , and macadamia nut, lecithin, xanthan gum, grapefruitseed extract, essential
oils of peppermint & lavender and Vitamins A, C, and E.***AVAILABLE IN SPF 4, 8, 15***Most Dermatologists agree that the rating of SPF above 15 does not provide any added significant protection,
and is merely marketing hype.
Price: 4oz $14.95