The use of Manuka Honey as a wound dressing is an ancient remedy that has been rediscovered and is becoming of increasing interest as more reports of its effectiveness are published. The clinical
observations recorded are that infection is rapidly cleared, inflammation, swelling and pain are quickly reduced, odor is reduced, sloughing of necrotic tissue is induced, granulation and
epithelialisation are hastened, and healing occurs rapidly without scarring.The antimicrobial properties of Manuka Honey prevent microbial growth in the moist healing environment that's created.
Unlike many other topical antiseptics, Honeymark's First Aid Antiseptic Lotion causes no tissue damage. As its main ingredient, Manuka Honey actually promotes the healing process. It has a direct
nutrient effect as well as the ability to draw lymph out to the cells by osmosis. The stimulation of healing is due to the acidity of the honey.
The use of Manuka Honey as a wound dressing is an ancient remedy that has been rediscovered and is becoming