Superiative to use on acne pimples.
Calming and treating scorching condition that consequence after deep peeling treatment.
Treating burn situation that consequence after lazer treatment.
Recomended to use after hair removel process by wax or epilation.
Rescue Cream is 100% natural product consisting of over 100 active ingredients, a unique equation based on vital vitamins, Essential oil, plants extracts and nutrition oils.
Suitable for domestic use, Soldiers, travelers, field clinics, Tourists and first aid stations.
S. O. S Rescue cream is an excellent replacement of the home remedies such as iodine.
Heals sores & injuries & bruises, quickly disinfectant, anti bacterial, antiseptic, quickly and efficiently treats skin problems such as irritations, rashes, eczema, stings, sores, athletes foot.
Suitable for domestic use, Soldiers, travelers, field clinics, Tourists and first aid stations.