This product is unique! Test winner!
Unique product PEDISOLIX
- No more smelly Feet
- worldwide unique
- 5 ml. (1 aplication)
- Up to 120 days effective foot odour control
- For women and man
Just 1 Appliacation
Simply wash and dry feet thoroughly, apply the treatment cream evenly over entire foot surface and wear the anti-bacterial socks for the following 24 hour period.
The effect of PEDISOLIX! !
PEDISOLIX conveys a feeling of freshness and cleanness.
PEDISOLIX consists certified active ingredients. These ingredients stop the bacteria which break down the perspiration. A specific harmonised combination of plant extracts controls the perspiration
and avoids the constriction of pores and an accumulation of perspiration
At the same time the settlement of further bacteria is prevented. An extract consisting of natural ingredients normalises the metabolism process within the skin and help that a high efficiency with
an optimal tolerance of the skin is accomplished. Pedisolix takes effect against parasites, eases itch and is antiseptic. New, extremely well-tolerated natural extracts, which already in small
concentrations develop an excellent antimicrobial effect, neutralises smell and combined with the natural additive offensive smell of perspiration is prevented effectively.
The selected consistence of PEDISOLIX induces that the special harmonised additives remain within the pores and eliminate all bacteria residues during the entire application period which means
until the next cleansing of the feet. Therefore the feet are free from bacteria and bacterial residues which can increase in a very short time and cause again offensive foot smell.
This product is unique! Test winner!
Unique product PEDISOLIX
- No more smelly Feet
- worldwide