Bio-poly Cream is formulated from Herbal Essence, Natural Propolis and Microelements (No Animal Fat included) through cutting edge technology. It can be absorbed directly through our skin easily
which will subsequently assist us by revitalizing our epidermis cell, improving the metabolism, recovering infected skin, regulating muscles as well as joints and improving blood circulation. You
can apply and use it for massage if you wish to have a healthier life.
Bio-poly Cream is very effective against skin problems as stated below:
Insect Bites, Swelling, Headaches & Dizziness, Scalds, Ringworms, Rheumatism, Muscle Aches, Skin Allergh, Backaches, Cuts & Lacerations, Acne, Neuralgia, Joint Pains, Diaper Rashes, Skin
irritations, External Hemorrhoids, Burns, Eczema, Arthritis, Sprains, Bruises.
Bio-poly Cream is a Bio-Technology Skin Treatment Cream.