Hair-Loss Prevention Renatta Shampoo Sachets 250ml Organic- Eco-Friendly -Extra Gentle Cleansing- Protects -Colour Radiance- Strengthens and Rejuvenates -Hair Keeps hair from Dryness &
Dandruff -Hair loss Prevention
Renatta Shampoo is Enriched with Aloe Vera Vitamins Minerals Natural Botanical and Fruit Extracts. Softens Protects Restores Natural Oil Opens Pores Keeps Hair away Hair Dry & Brittle Reduces Hair
Breakage Protects Texture on Chemically Treated Hair Add Natural Shine & Colour Softens Unruly Curls Adds Body and makes Hair Manageable.
Renatta Shampoo 250ml Eco-Friendly Organic Animal Fat Free Hairloss Bouncy Hair Dandruff