Neolife is a multilevel marketing company for Thai in order to let Thai people have own business easily, not complicated. Neolife aims Thai should be able to create wealth without taking
any risks. " Welcome to Better New Life"
Neolife founded as Neolife International Co., Ltd since 11th June, 2001 as recorded no. (2) 787/2544. Our objectives are as follows; 1. We would like to let people have a health life and use the good products. 2. We would like to build the business for Thai people for making money. 3. We would like to train and develop human resources for developing our country- Thailand. Neolife has registered with office of the consumer protection board as license no. NR 0307/2544 and has got the license to sell traditional medicine with Food and Drug Administration as license no. 5/2545. Neolife is located at 169/98 Sermsup Building, 5th Floor, Radchadapisek Rd., Dindaeng, Bangkok 10400. Tel: 02 6928168-9 and Fax no. 02-6927161 Neolife has selected the beneficial and effective products which can worth and have been long term used and clinical research supports. Our raw material has been produced in qualified and world class standard factory and has been produced under quality control and with high technology process. Our manufacturing process is as same as the modern drug process; therefore, our product has sold and well accepted for all our customer over the other competitor products. To promote people to make money correctly and success in the business, we have used the easy marketing strategy which is called Binary Balance Leg. This strategy is effective and legal. With the strong aim of the founders Mr. Noparuj Wachakul and Ms. Panchanol Sukchum, can build the complete and success business for people who want to seek the best and new hope for their life. |
Neolife is a multilevel marketing company for Thai in order to let Thai people have own business easily, not
Neolife is a multilevel marketing company for Thai in order to let Thai people have own business easily, not |