unique formulation of Ayurvedic ingredients along with rare mixing of herbs which prevents hair falling instantly. It removes dandruff effectively, irrespective of any type of dandruff which
is one of the major causes of hair falling. Rangoli Herbal Karishma acts as a real saver towards acute hair falling along with dandruff problem with a guaranteed result. In short it is a complete
solution to all your problems of hair.
Its functions are:
- It stops and prevents hair falling instantly.
- Te removes dandruff of any kind.
- A real required Hair wash which is must for any human to protect his or her hair.
- Rangoli Herbal Karishma supplies the appropriate protein and vitamin required for any individual for a bunch of healthy, fine and silky hair which makes a person beautiful.
- Helps re-growth of hair.
unique formulation of Ayurvedic ingredients along with rare mixing of herbs which prevents hair falling instantly.