Cleansing herbal vinegar rids hair of excess oil, dulling buildup, and mineral deposits, while managing scalp oil production. Leaves hair exceptionally clean and fresh, with bounce and
shine.Benefits:Rids hair of excess oil, dulling buildup, and mineral deposits, while regulatingscalp oil production. Leaves hair exceptionally clean and fresh, with bounceand shine.Excess oil,
pollutants, and styling buildup weigh down and dull yourhair. Now, the natural purifying properties of herbal vinegar in Be? HairPurifying Shampoo eliminate dulling residue and mineral
deposits,while managing scalp oil production. Plus, exclusive SoyActiv? Nutritionnourishes and fortifies strands against damage.Essential Ingredient:Vinegar, combined with extracts of rosemary,
sage, and thyme, known for
Cleansing herbal vinegar rids hair of excess oil, dulling buildup