Aloe Vera leaf contains more than 2000 different constituents, each of them in relatively small quantities. The juice contains about 90% water. Most of the important constituents taken together
make about 1% of total. It is this 1%, which is largely respoing it to a peach does no justice at all to the vast range of possible flavours. Mango is not only delicious, it's also full of
nutritional value. It is high in beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A, and is a rich sourceMangoes are mainly consumed fresh. Their nutritive value is relatively high. One hundred grams of raw
mango (edible portion) contains Water (81.7 g), Food energy ( 66 calories ), Protein (0.7 g), Fat (0.4 g), Carbohydrates (16 g ). Mangoes are also relatively rich in other elements (calcium,
phosphorous, iron, potash magnesium) and in vitamins, especially A and C. The mango is not just India's most important fruit, India is also the world's largest producer of this famous exotic. ii
Alphonso Mango Pulp Alphonso Mangoes (Mag
Aloe Vera leaf contains more than 2000 different constituents, each of them in relatively small quantities.