Pure Essentials Sulfate Free Shampoo is a formulation for individualshaving sensitive scalp or dry, damaged, or treated hair that gentlycleanses hair without stripping or causing irritation. Pure
EssentialsSulfate Free Shampoo is uniquely formulated without sulfate cleansers,DEA, drying soaps, or scalp irritants. For people with sensitive scalpor dry and damaged hair. Naturally derived
cleansers, Yucca (cactus)Juice and Soap Bark Extract gently clean hair without drying or causingscalp irritation. Safe for all hair types and for color treated hair.pH 5.0. Extra-gentle soy protein
formulation for all hair types. DEAfree-soap free.
Pure Essentials Sulfate Free Shampoo is a formulation for individuals having sensitive scalp or dry,damaged,or treated hair.
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