It is a shampoo based on healing herbs, which manage to cure and control dandruff permanently and naturally. It also helps other scalp diseases and keeps the oil on the scalp balanced. Dandruff is
a scalp disease, which eats up the hair and causes acne. To keep your hair dandruff-free, shampoo every alternate day or daily if the scalp is extra oily-as extra oils on the scalp not only
encourage and promote dandruff, but also cause excessive hair fall. For the best dandruff control, mix together a tablespoon of Vitalizing Hair Oil, tow tablespoons of yogurt, half a teaspoon of
turmeric powder and juice of half a lemon (if the scalp has no cuts on it). The mask can be applied once a week.
It is a shampoo based on healing herbs, which manage to cure and control dandruff permanently and naturally.