(L to R) Tripple Teas & Ginkgo Shampoo, Deer Pizzle & Tea Tree Oil Shampoo, Ginkgo Shampoo, Ginseng and Aloe Shampoo.
Tripple Teas & Ginkgo Shampoo (Retail price at RM25.00)
Suitable with those who have oily hair. It keeps the skin moisturized and to avoid the skin from drying out. The shampoo is made from natural herbs and it does not contain sodium Lauryl Sulfate
(SLS free).
Deer Pizzle & Tree Oil Shampoo (Retail price at RM140.00)
This herbal shampoo has qualities in nourishing and moisturizing the scalp.It makes the hair healthier, soft and shiny. This shampoo is suitable for dry hair and it does not contain sodium Lauryl
Sulfate (SLS free).
Ginkgo Shampoo (Retail price at RM23.00)
This herbal shampoo helps strengthen hair, prevents hair from dropping, nourishes hair and its suitable for all types of hair. It also helps encourage blood circulation on the head skin. And it
does not contain Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS free).
Ginseng And Aloe Shampoo (Retail price at RM150.00)
This shampoo contains ginseng and aloe vera ingredients along with more than 20 types of Chinese herbs. This shampoo prevents dandruff and its gives healthy hair and it is suitable for all hair
type and it does not contain Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS free).
phyto hair care shampoo products