DBF Kids Baby Shampoo is a premium, all natural, vegan shampoo that is mild enough to use on your precious infant or toddler. Our shampoo contains only natural and naturally derived ingredients.
The cleansers (surfactants is the technical term) are mild enough for use on the gentlest skin. We invite you to compare our ingredient list to any baby shampoo on the market, at any price, from
any manufacturer.
DBF Baby Shampoo is a gentle foaming gel that is sulfate free and paraben free. Producing a sulfate free shampoo costs a little more (actually a lot more). But, we think its worth it. Our baby
shampoo is an amber gel that has a natural fruity scent. We use non sensitizer fragrances in it. Our ultra-mild formula uses distillates (water-solutions) and essential oils, and Chinese herbs make
this shampoo soothing and great for your babys hair and skin.
* Gentle
* Sulfate free
* Paraben free
* Vegan,Halal
* Naturally derived cleansers
Gentle, Sulfate free, Paraben free, Vegan, Halal, Naturally derived cleansers
baby shampoo
body wash
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