Rice is a very important cereal grain of Pakistan, due to its use as food for pakistani people as well as an export commodity. In Pakistan, rice covers an area of 2 million hectares. Two provinces
of Pakistan I. E. Sindh and punjab are main rice growing regions with nearly 50% area in each province. This "rice bowl" lies at the foot-hills of himalayas and is irrigated by the snow-melt water
of himalayas carried through five rivers. The word punjab originates from a persian word comprising of two letters - "punj and ab" which means 5 waters. Therefore, punjab means land of five
The word basmati also comprises of two letters "bas" means smell and "mati" means soil which means smell of soil which leads us to believe that special quality of basmati has lot to do with the
soil type.
Rice is a very important cereal grain of Pakistan, due to its use as food for pakistani people as we