Sunquest tanning system,this is used in the tanning busiess,it is a unit shaped like a shower,fitted with lights,fans,and has an automatic setting,which is activated by remote.As so has its manual
setting,which is a high powered spray gun,which i found most clients was the setting they wanted.The manual setting is a professional spray gun,with a high performance guaranteed.It is has a air
extraction booth,whitch collects the solution,threw the fans,meaning it is re-usable,also when you have sprayed your client,simply close the glass doors and with a press of a button, it will clean
its self,when its finished cleaning simply put fans on too dry the unit.The spray gun is built into the unit,so is very powerfull,therfor there's different pressure settings.Also with the sale of
this unit i would include 2 x litres of Celebrity Secrets,oil based spray sollution plus sticky feet,knickers and top up creams,also Celebrity Secrets.Comes with full colour user manual,with
everything you could ever need too know. If your realy interested please ask me for a copy of the manual,once seen you will buy!!
Sunquest Dual Booth,Spray Tanning Unit