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We are now pleased to offer the reputation of the ionSpa detox footbath in an economical package. The ionSpa Personal is available for the affordable price of $995 $795! Why waste $500 on a potentially hazardous imported unit with few features and little warranty? Don't sacrifice quality for price!
This unit has the power, safety, effectiveness, and reliability of units costing over double our price! This is the only fully US manufactured Detox Foot Bath for under $1000 available. Built by one of the of ionic footh baths- We are not a fly by night internet "Company".
The ionSpa Personal is the newest addition to the ionSpa family of detox foot baths. The Personal is designed for budget minded users who are seeking a quality footbath at an affordable price. As with the , the Personal is a US manufactured, 24 volt unit that features solid state construction using only the best components available.
The ionSpa Personal is the newest addition to the ionSpa family of detox foot baths. The Personal is designed