The light from Plasmalite spreads out in all directions, but it does not affect the eye in anyway more than a camera flash. It is, therefore, much more safer than laser. An additional unique safety feature in Plasmalite? is that, if the sapphire wave-guide is not in proper contact with the skin, the amount of light is automatically reduced by 25%.
Is it safe with Plasmalite??
Some parts of the body are more sensitive than others and may flush or swell slightly, but this should settle down after a few hours. In extreme cases slight blistering may occur, which heals normally within few days. A temporary increase or decrease in skin pigmentation may also occur, but this is rare and disappears usually in few months.
Are there any side effects?
When the client comes for a hair removal (HR) treatment, a trained therapist will discuss how Plasmalite? works and evaluate if it is suitable for the client. A test patch will be performed to observe its effect on the client. A thin layer of optical contact gel is spread over the area to be treated. The wave-guide is then applied over the area and a series of short light flashes are passed over each 10x20 mm spot. The patient does not often, but might not always see an immediate difference. However within 2-3 weeks after each treatment most subjects see a drastic effect, i.e. most of the hair will disappear.
What does the treatment involve?
Plasmalite? can be used to treat any area of the body and any skin type. However, it is important to perform a test patch before proceeding to a full treatment.
What areas could be treated?
The combination of black hair and white skin is the easiest to treat. However, many clinical studies showed that the difference in pigmentation between the hair shaft/follicle and the surrounding skin tissues in the non-white skin (e.g. people of Hispanic, Middle East or Pakistan/Indian origin) is usually large enough to achieve good results.
What about skin complexion?
In fact, thick hair requires more light to achieve the same results as thin hair. However, the thick hair absorbs more light during the pulse duration. As Plasmalite? has a unique feature called Balanced Light, the same pulse covers all grades of the hair. In general, the darker the hair, the more effective the treatment. However, blond hair often responds well to treatment even when an early prognosis has been less optimistic.
Does the hair thickness matter?
Each pulse covers 10 x 20 mm skin area, which is optimal to keep the balance between efficiency and practical considerations. A new pulse can be fired every 24 seconds. Thus, a moustache area may take less than 30 seconds, while a mans back or a womans leg may require 30 minutes to 1 hour.
How fast is the treatment?
The number of the required treatments varies, depending on the density and location of the hair growth. Approximately 30% of the body hair is normally found in the growing phase. The rest is dormant, regressed and unable to absorb light. Around 6095% of the growing hair can be removed at each treatment.
The most dramatic changes occur usually after the second treatment. Most individuals need 3-5 treatments, but few people may require extra treatments.
How many treatments are needed?
The procedures are almost pain free. The horny dead cells in the superficial layer of the skin (epidermis) become warm and heat up the underlying dermis. Application of a cooling topical gel prior to pulse shooting keeps the thin epidermis cold, which minimizes the pain sensation. Most people experience minimal discomfort, feeling no more than a slight tingling sensation.
How does it feel during treatment?
The pulse duration is the only variable setting. Everything else is automatically set according to the pulse duration. With such easy handling and operation, a perfect result - every time, with every customer - could be achieved.
The Plasmalite hair removal system uses high-energy light, in a unique and patented fluorescence technology. A pulse of red intense light penetrates the skin. The hair shafts and the hair follicles contain more pigment than the surrounding skin tissue. Therefore, they absorb more light, which rises the temperature. When it reaches about 70
Plasmalite is a unique Intense Pulsed Light System (IPLS) for hair removal and skin rejuvenation
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