OLED related equipments are similar with that of TFT LCD. And it divided to Mother glass , Module as two.Since 2003Y, we delivered our equipment for OLED Glass Aging System to a customer. The
systems circuit parts Are designed by us, that is, measurement part makes it quicker to do measurement job. 370x470mm Mothers electrical/temperature aging itself is innovative at that time, which
effects OLED production Improvement, cost down, quality improvement. Now the equipment type is changed from PM type to AM Type. AM type OLED Aging System has been delivered to a customer already in
2005 and expected to deliver many quantity when the mass production season.Small-sized Module related equipments are used for 1~8" LCD or OLEDs Aging and Inspection. Various model should be
supported, so it has a characteristic of small quantity and many types So software point is emphasized and new technology should be learned deeply. We supply Aging and Inspection system for module
status such as Mobile Phone,PDA,MP3,Navigation application.
OLED and small sized TFT LCD related equipment