The Radarmed 2500 series represents a step ahead in the field of microwave therapy. The application of advanced technology makes it possible to use machines which can be constantly updated and
integrate functions which will be available in the years to come. Such technology derives from the modern Personal Computer systems using a smart card or by simply consulting our web site on-line
and updating the machine's functions, programmes and anything else our Research Department has come up with and made available. Equipment for microwave or rada therapy consists of 2 models which
differ from each other in their power output: Radarmed 2500C runs on continuous current and Radarmed 2500CP runs on continuous pulsed current. The core of the machine is represented by an apparatus
consisting of latest design cavity oscillator capable of bringing the electrical frequency of a sinusoidal alternated current to approximately 2,5 3 billion cycles per second (GHz) and enables work
in both continuous and pulsed: 25% - 50% - 75% - 100% (this can reach peak power at output up to 1600 Watt.) The fact that pulsed functioning can be used as an alternative to continuous allows the
operator to carry out prolonged sessions without causing patient to experience discomfort due to excessive heat. Personalised patient cards can be created using the smart memory cards. A convenient
encoder allows for quick selection of the current and/or protocol to be emitted and accesses a library of 50 programmes, as well as enabling the operator to create and memorise up to 50 different
simple or sequential work cycles.
Equipment for microwave or rada therapy consists of 2 models