The machine can be equipped upon request with SPC software in order to override the eventual drift of the upstream process.
This correction station is integrated in the measuring station. The correction is provided with YAG laser shoots during the measurement. The metallic vapour is collected and treated to be conforming ISO 14000 by a special extraction system. The laser beam is carried out by three numerical axes in order to correct the SW in the requested area and to provide the best laser focal efficiency
This station is a measuring station supplied by Schenck and rotates the SW with a ceramic air bearing in order to get the requested accuracy. The unbalance data results are automatically carry out to the main computer in order to stop the cycle whenever the theoretical zero unbalance is reached. Actually, the laser shoot command is in closed loop with the measuring unit
This station is constituted with a triple conveyor with an automatic advancing. Those conveyors have been designed to carry out SW from 25 mm up to 80 mm. They are equipped with saturation sensors for the outgoing conveyors. The ingoing conveyor gets a special lifting up system that present the SW to the gantry whenever the SW is on the machine ingoing position.
This machine is constituted by 3 different stations loaded/unloaded with a single numerical gantry. This gantry is equipped with a double grippers system.
The overall machine dimensions are around (depending of the SW size)square 3 mts on 3.4 mts
The air supply consumption can go up to 20 M? per hour
The machine electrical power is around 15 Kw
The SW wheel diameter capability can go from 25 mm up to 80 mm
Conform to the CE regulation; this machine according to the wheel size can achieve a production rate up to 180 SW per hour.
Conform to the CE regulation; this machine according to the wheel size can achieve a production rate up to 180 SW per hour.