Noteffect once the daily routine.
Applicationwithout injuries or irritation.
Simpleway of treatment.
Theadjusting intensity gives controlled result.
Absolutenatural method without the use of chemicals materials.
Painless,safe and no operative procedure.
Ecopeel application offers self-rejuvenation to the skin providing itsown natural collage and elastin based on the following unique properties.
ecopeelA rejuvenation device and light exfoliation of dead skin-cellsusing a powerful double action vacuum and pressure pump.
The Ecopeel usage helps the skin to produce its own natural collagen and elastin, in otherwords self-rejuvenation.
d.Light peeling
c.Hyperemia (better oxygonosis
b.Strong mechanicalstimulation
a.Thermostimulation(like the non-ablative laser resurfacing)
Its the only one unit with four activities :
It operates with a powerful double action vacuum and pressure pump.
Rejuvenation Device