Sir, We are manufacturing Piercing instrumnets, LikeRing Closer, Ring Opner Pliers, Bead holding Tweezers, Pennington Forceps, Scissors, Calipers, for use in Tongue piercing, Lip piercing, Eyebrow
piercing, Ear Piercing, Female piercing, Male piercing, Navel Piercing, Nipple piercing, Nose piercingIf you are intrested to buy from us (Bulk Quantity Only) contact us we will give you the Best
prices along with best service. Sample can be Provided for evaluation. For further questions feel free to ask us. ThanksBest RegardsBilal HussainCell: 0092-333-4348773Business Development
ManagerMailing Address. Salmo Enterprises4 / 321 college road, Sialkot Pakistan. Tel: + 92-52-4582767Fax: + 92-52-4580453URL: www. Salmoent. COM
We are manufacturing Piercing instrumnets, Like
Ring Closer, Ring Opner Pliers, Bead holding