Dear valued cutumers my company is manufacutrers of the manicure instrument with very tuff quailty on very competative rate.Nail scissors 3.5" inch 0.28us$ c&f by sea eachFine scissors 3.5"
inch 0.28 us$ c&f bysea eachArrow point scissors 3.5" inch 0.32 us$ by sea eachBarber scissors 6.5" inch 0.60 us$ c&f by sea eachThining scissors 6.5" inch 0.63 us$ c&f by sea each.Hair
cutting scissors razor edge 5.5" inch 3.75 us$ c&f by sea eachCloured tweezers 4" inch 0.35 us$ c&f by sea eachNail nipper 4" inch 01us$ c&f by sea each.Fininshng: MirrorQuailty: Very
goodPayment term:30 days
Dear valued cutumers my company is manufacutrers of the manicure instrument with very tuff quailty o
cheap price
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