Wood's Lamp
Model: BS-WL1
Wood's lamp is a professionaldiagnostic tool used in dermatology. Wood's light is useful indiagnosing conditions such as tuberous sclerosis and erythrasma, bothin distinguishing them from other
conditions and in locating theprecise boundaries of the condition.
After magnifying the skinwith the examining fame, we can clearly the quality and the unusualcondition of the skin. Wood lamp is to help identity clearly thequalities, problems and the unusual
conditions of the skin in order toprovide proper treatments.
1. After cleansing skin, cover client's eyes with wet cotton.
2. Secure cover shade to wood lamp.
3.Completely cover client's face with cover shade. The wood lamp shouldparallel to client's face with distance of 15 -20cm.
4. Identify different skin characteristics by appearances of different colors under the ultraviolet ray.
Methods of performing Wood Lamp
Light blue: normal and healthy skin
Yellow: oily, acne skins
Brown: pigments
White spots: mature skin area
Purple: sensitive skin
Reflecting light spot: impurities, make-up
Indigo: dry skin
BS-WL1 Wood's lamp is useful in diagnosing conditions such as tuberous sclerosis and erythrasma.