The Pressomed 2000 represents a step ahead in the field of Pressure therapy. The application of advanced technology makes it possible to use machines which can be constantly updated and integrate
functions which will be available in the years to come. Such technology derives from the modern Personal Computer systems using a smart card or by simply consulting our web site on-line and
updating the machine's functions, programmes and anything else our Research Department has come up with and made available. Pressomed 2000 generates peristaltic massage by means of a kit-point and
independent sectors made to overlap each other in fish scale fashion. Each sector can be set at differentiating pressure and the treatment in progress is visualised on a 6 inch LCD TFT display
screen visible from all angles). The machine carries out accurate control of kit-point integrity (upper and lower limbs) during functioning and alerts the operator in the case of any eventual
malfunction. A convenient encoder allows for quick selection of the current and/or protocol to be emitted and accesses a library of 50 programmes, as well as enabling the operator to create and
memorise up to 50 different simple or sequential work cycles.
Pressomed 2000 generates peristaltic massage