Ultrasonic sound waves act on the body in the following way:They stimulate body cells, the tiny massage produces space within existing
cells, causing movement of the cytoplasm, rotation of mitochondria and the vibration of the cells nucleus. It improves local blood and lymph circulation and increases p
Ultrasonic exfoliation is a new way to clean the skin. The spatula is glided over the skin to split off dead cells. The results are
remarkable, an instant clearing and smoothing effect can be observed.
This process is totally non-invasive and can be used for most skin types. Can also be used for deep lines and wrinkles by turning the spatula and smoothing product over the area, and also by
using the pulsed method; this will increase the fibroblast within the skin.
enetration of enhancing products.
Comes complete with ultra-grip rubber handles and 3 head attachments that can be used for face, eye and body.