FDA Clearances
Fine lines
Textural irregularities
Pigmented lesions
Vascualar dyschromia
Ablation, coagulation and resurfacing
Current clinical investigations
Acne scar *
Surgical scar & striae *
* These conditions are currently under investigation
All in a single handpiece Fraxel re:pair laser can deliver a full range of Fractional
ablative treatments from Fractional MicroDermablation (FMDA) to Fractional Deep Dermal Ablation (FDDA) - all in a single handpiece. Physicians selection of pulse energy, from 5-70mJ, determines
ablation depth based on clinical indication, while the choice of treatment level, from 5-70% coverage, determines the density of microscopic treatment zones.
Full range of treatments
Dramatic Results
After treatment, 90 percent of subjects treated for photodamage and laxity experienced moderate to significant improvement in the indices of photoaging. In addition, no
cases of delayed onset hypopigmentation have been seen with up to 24 months of follow up. A significant reduction in the duration and severity of post-treatment downtime was observed with
respect to conventional CO2 laser treatments, even for treatment of delicate tissue areas on and off the face. Epidermal re-epithelialization occurs in as little as 48 hours and regular
activity can resume in as few as 5 days.
Fast and uniform Treatment
The Fraxel re:pair laser uses a patent pending Advance Delivery System that enables you to treat 4 times faster and in more uniform manner than any other fractional
ablative resurfacing device on the market.
Safe and Effective
During treatment, the Fraxel re:pair lasers microscopic spot delivery creates small columns of skin that are ablated up to a depth of 1.6 mm. Up to 6 grams of tissue is removed
in an average treatment more than 85 percent of which is dermal. This precise tissue targeting and deliberate tissue sparing dramatically reduce healing time and post-operative wound care.
The Fraxel re:pairTM laser is the aesthetic industrys only minimally invasive, ablative fractional laser that delivers the results of traditional bulk ablative lasers safely, predictably and with minimal downtime - all in a single treatment. With more than two years of clinical results and over 500 patients treated, the Fraxel re:pair laser has been FDA cleared and clinically proven to improve wrinkles, furrows, fine lines, textural irregularities, pigmented lesions and vascular dyschromia. With the Fraxel re:pair laser, treatments are well tolerated, and pain and downtime are substantially reduced, compared to bulk ablative skin resurfacing. In addition, lax tissue removal may produce overall skin tightening similar to conventional CO2 but with significantly less pain and recovery time, and without the same risk of adverse side effects.
The Fraxel re:pairTM laser is the aesthetic industrys only minimally invasive, ablative fractional laser that
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