How doesLightSheer compare with other hair removalmethods? Shaving, waxing,and depilatory creams are all temporary methods whichmust be repeatedon a regular basis. Hair removal with LightSheer offers longerlastingresults.
With the "cooltip" handpiece and theLightSheer process we can gently treat hairwhile maintaining a healthy, normalappearance of the surroundingtissue. The LightSheer can remove hair from allparts of the bodyincluding the cheeks, legs, arms, underarms, and back, as wellassensitive areas like the ears, nose, chest, nipples, and bikini line.
Our LightSheerhair removal system is a non-invasivelaser specifically designed toeliminate undesired hair from all parts of thebody. The LightSheersystem generates intense long-pulsed light through anactively-cooledhandpiece to effectively disable unwanted pigmented hairfollicles,thus impairing their growth. The laser's cold handpiece isplacedgently on the skin, as pulses of light are delivered from the laser.Whenthe light penetrates the skin, it selectively damages the root ofthe unwantedhair.
Light Sheer?Laser Hair Removal Men and women alikecan now make unwanted facial orbody hair a thing of the past and forget aboutpainful waxing,electrolysis and razors. The LightSheer hair removal systemdelivers21st century technology, in our office, for the treatment ofthisdistressing problem. The LightSheer system presents a revolution inhairremoval. Using technology beyond that of other lasers, theLightSheer candisable hundreds of hair follicles in less than onesecond. The procedure iscomputer-guided and promises long-lastingresults.
Price : USD 39.500