Use our to find out which Syneron Skin Treatment System is right for you. Contact us to learn how Skin Rejuvenation can enhance your aesthetic offerings. Email us at or complete our quick .
Most people experience no side effects, though a few may exhibit some short-term local reddening.
Powered by the revolutionary els Technology, the combination of energies offers a complete solution to the challenges of skin treatment with reduced overall required energy output enabling safe, effective treatment. Highly selective light energies are absorbed by the hemoglobin and pigmented lesions, but not significantly absorbed by the normal dermis. Electrical energies selectively heat blood vessels while minimizing the effect on pigmented structure.
Clear beautiful skin is in demand, and effectively treating superficial and benign vascular and pigmented lesions including Telangiectasias, Rosacea, Poikiloderma and Angioma has never been easier. , Syneron skin rejuvenation systems deliver industry-leading results that your patients will love.
Skin Rejuvenation - Rejuvenate Patients' Skin
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