Mini-doffin is a newly-design product of our company. It helps our skin to absorb the nutration of the cosmetic that we use everyday.
From the medical knowledge, we know that the basic membrane prevent the unhealthy from the surroundings; meanwhile, it also prevent the skin to absorb the nutrations. So no matter how
wonderful your cosmetic is, the maximum is 15%; the left 85% is wasted.
Our aim of the product is help our skin to absorb muchy more.
Our mini-doffin product could alleviat dark spot under the skin around the eyes that is caused by anemic conditions by eliminating metabolic waste products, preventing pigmentation ,facilitating
the contraction of aliphatic tissues ,as well as making the skin naturally supple and shiny. Also it reduce the wrincles, and make the skin hydrated.
alleviat dark spot under the skin around the eyes that is caused by anemic conditions by eliminating metabolic waste products, p