KMI InEx-TheraLaser, as desktop therapy laser, has two laser sources, red diode laser 650nm 15mW, and Infrared (IR) laser 813nm 200mW. Red diode laser source is installed in housing and flexible
fiberoptic cable is used to deliver the red laser beam, however IR diode laser souce is installed at laser handpiece with rigid fiberoptic probe, from which laser energy is irradiated.
IR laser penetrates tissue deeper than red laser, so it is used for most treatment, while red laser is used mainly in skin or dermatological treatment.
The curved rigid fiber attached to the IR laser handpiece, is a very convenient tool to deliver the laser energy to treatment site, difficult to access. With the probe, it is now easy to access any
site. So, the IR handpiece with the rigid fiber is useful in dental, ENT, etc. as well as coventional fields, orthopedic, laser-acupunture, - - - .
Due to laser therapy effects such as antalgic, anti-oedema and cellular metabolism stimulation, laser can be used alone or with traditinal therapies. Applications includes antalgic therapy,
rhumatology, physiotherapy, sports medicine, orthopedic, traumatology, geriatrics, dermatology (acne, herpes, burn, ulcer - - -), ENT, Dental etc.