Radio frequency thermo-therapy
Rf-system is a high-quality wellbeing product, which can be used widely such as eleavting the natural recovery and resistance by generating the diathermy energy with bio-energy in body converted
from the safest electric energy.
Radio frequency system (RF frequency) balances hormones by converting electric energy into bioelectricity which causes inner body heat by molecular ion exchange. Inner body heat expands blood
vessels, creating better circulation through the lymph vessels, and active cells.
When the high frequency electric energy transmits, the molecules of the tissue generate the bio-energy by rotation, twisting and collision while moving according to the direction of the electric
Compared to other frequency currents that don't stimulate sensory nerve, the high frequency current heats particular parts within body without feeling unpleasant or muscle contraction.
* body shaping (eliminates excessive cellulite)
* face lifting by active collagen & brighter skin tone
* cures pimple by controlling sebum
* metabolizes blood vessels
* joint and muscle ache
* controls internal feminine temperatures
* prevents from depilation