The Rio Salon Laser Hair Removal System is designed for home use. You can now enjoy the benefits of permanent hair reduction without paying for expensive salon treatments. Laser Hair Removal works
by sending a laser beam to the hair follicle with enough energy to destroy the root, without affecting the surrounding area. This process is known as photothermolysis. There are no chemicals or
painful needles. In fact, you will be amazed at how easy Laser Hair Removal is.
Permanent results
Easy to do
No expensive consumables
Targets individual hairs
No painful needles
Security key to avoid misuse
User security code
Safe 808nm diverging laser
Digital power output control
Contained in handy carry case
complete with instruction booklet and DVD.
Brand new in boxes
for hair removal
hair removal
hair remove
hair remover
hair removing system
laser hair
laser hair removal
laser hair remover
hair removal
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