Don't be fooled by cheap imitations, this is designed for professional use !!
Erects and folds in seconds.
3 vinyl windows to allow more light in.
Flame retardant and waterproof.
Manufactured to ISO 9000 standards.
Optional use of removable clear roof.
Professional and contemporary looking.
No staining! wipe down with damp cloth.
Folds into it's own bag with handles
Light and easily carried
May be used as a changing room.
Zipper opening to the rear for ventilation.
Sturdy design for professional use.
Comes with convenient carry bag.
Optional Vinyl roof is included.
leak proof stain resistant floor.
Comes with convenient carry bag.
Artesian Tan pop up tanning tents are a must have for your mobile tanning service or to your spray tanning salon. These tents quickly and neatly pop up into shape and just as quickly fold up for
travel. Mobile tanning technicians love them for their flexibility. Salons seeking to add on spray tanning services appreciate how quickly they can create a spray tanning space. They are equally at
home in the salon or as mobile tanning salon at an airbrush tanning party.
Description What solution should I use?
Our Tent has windows for more lighting!
Availability: Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
Product Code: 1006-AT Qty:
List Price: $129.00
Our Price: $89.00 Open an account for Wholesale Pricing.
You Save $40.00!
List Price: $129.00
Our Price: $89.00 Open an account for Wholesale Pricing.
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