The picture the Flower Art Color Painter draws and paints out is clear and can stand for a long time, just like growing naturally on the petal. Meanwhile, the whole process will not damage the
natural appearance of the petal or affect its normal growth. Romance is therefore forever by the instant brightening and personality is presented as well, which sublimates the flower. The machine
has great creativity which brings real happiness.
Flower Art Color Painter can present love, respect, blessing, praise, regret, etc. It is a kind of new flower-processing technology. When the flower is enlivened with the printing characters or pictures. It becomes more meaningful and displays sincere passion with abundant atmosphere of romance.
A full automatic digital flower printer for painting pictures or words on flower to express love, respect, blessings, regret etc
A full automatic digital flower printer for painting pictures or words on flower to express love, respect, blessings, regret etc |